Qualifying organizations must have tax-exempt status under IRS sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2). They must agree to expend no more than seven percent of the received fund on the organization’s administrative expenses and the primary focus of the application should be programs concentrating on schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Yes. Only after submitting a letter of intent will an applicant be invited to officially apply for a grant via our Foundant online portal. LOIs will be accepted November 1st through March 1st. Please visit our GRANTS page for more information on our LOI and grant submission process.

Letters of Intent are to be submitted no later than March 1st each year. Once invited to apply, all official grant applications and required documentation attachments are due no later than May 31st.

The fiscal year of the Trust runs from July 1st to June 30th.

No. We do NOT fund 509(a)(3) supporting organizations, private foundations, or private operating foundations.

There is no geographic restriction within the continental US. No grants will be awarded for international activities or to foreign charitable institutions.

The grant-making committee meets once a year shortly after the application deadline.

All grants approved for funding must submit a Progress Report and Use of Funds Report including impact images by June 30th of the following year. Interim Reports and Use of Funds Reports are also required for all multi-year projects by the June 30th deadline. Any grants approved for funding are required to submit a progress report by June 30th via Logon – Grant Lifecycle Manager (grantinterface.com).

No, grants are awarded only to organizations and institutions doing work that will have a tangible impact on the field of mental health.